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Version: 4.3



The Onion Shortcuts are very powerful it allows you quick actions like rewind, fast forward, screenshots, volume boost...


The GameSwitcher is designed to be the central user interface of Onion. It allows browse and resume the last games played in few seconds. Launch the GameSwitcher by pressing the MENU button, then you'll see a screenshot of where you were in your game! Use LEFT and RIGHT to browse the last games played like this. It also allows you to quickly change games and many other features.

Package Manager

The Package Manager app is a powerful tool that allows users to easily install or uninstall emulators and apps.


Tweaks is the backbone of onion's configuration and personalization! With Tweaks you can adjust System Settings, enable Network Services, configure your Button Shortcuts and more!

The Search application is the perfect companion for large game collections. It lets you find all the games containing the keyword you've entered. Search also allows to filter a game list to include only games containing a specific keyword.


Onion loves themes. Onion Themes allows you to customize the background, the entry categories, console icons, music background, fonts... And best of all, the chosen theme impacts all Onion's internal applications!
Themes in Onion are two things :

Activity Tracker

Thanks to Activity Tracker app you can :

  • Track your game playtimes.
  • View your total playtime in the top bar.
  • Share your playtimes by taking a screenshot (press MENU+POWER - screenshot is saved in Screenshots folder).

Blue light filter

Thanks to Blue Light Filter feature from Tweaks app take care to your eyes! It allows you to change the color temperature of the screen to have more eye comfort in low-light environments.

Screen Recorder

Screen Recorder adds screen record ability for demoing apps/content/features/bugs.


A full RetroArch in a such tiny device! RetroArch is regularly updated from the official repository. Onion benefits from dedicated drivers created by Eggs for precision and performance. Dedicated customizations are also included: All the cores are configured with attention to detail, custom overlays and custom filters made specially for the Miyoo Mini screen.

Optimized emulators

Onion has its own emulators, many optimizations on the RetroArch cores but also some dedicated emulators like:


Game List Options (GLO Menu)

Game List Options (GLO Menu) is a tool to make actions for the selected game or the entire list. Press Y in a game list then from this menu you can choose the RetroArch core, download the image cover of your game (WiFi/MMP required), launch a Netplay session, reset your game (to skip the last save state), filter the list of games with a keyword,...
Thanks to GLO Menu's flexibility, you can even add your own scripts here!*

Guest Mode

Guest Mode is a separate profile so you can safely lend your device to your kid or your friend.

Random Game Picker

Random Game will allow you to discover new games in your collection!


AdvanceMENU is an alternative user interface with animated game previews!

Ports Collection

More than 60 game ports pre-configured!

Included apps

Onion also contains many additional apps like:

Connected Features

For the Miyoo Mini Plus (equipped with wifi) Onion offers many additional possibilities :

Personal files gathered in one place

Personal files

Your saves and most of your preferences are now in /Saves (Example: D:/Saves/). This also includes your secondary profile, your config files, RetroArch lists and play activity database. Simply copy this folder when you want to backup your data.

MainUI improvements

MainUI improvements

MainUI is the main interface of Onion provided by Miyoo and modified by Onion Team with these improvements :

  • Battery percentage is shown in the top bar

    You can configure the battery percentage visibility and color in the theme configuration file. It is also possible to make a theme that only shows the percentage text.

  • No more audio lag Credit: Eggs
  • New default theme inspired by the Lilla theme by Evolve Credit: DiMo
  • OnionOS icon by Evolve
  • Textures are compressed for faster results Credit: DiMo
  • Box art size fix in the included themes Credit: DiMo


  • Many additional systems supported
  • Experimental Arduboy support Credit: JMARoeder
  • Boxart moved to /Roms/[SYSTEM]/Imgs for easier scraping
  • Various bug fixes and optimizations