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Version: 4.2


Search your game library


The Search application is the perfect companion for large game collections. It lets you find all the games containing the keyword you've entered. Search also allows to filter a game list to include only games containing a specific keyword.

Search screenshots

Pressing X will show Search app. Here you enter your keyword.

A result example of search app.



  • You'll find Search under Apps - and it's a popular choice for mapping to X (configured by default in Onion) or Y (via Tweaks).
  • You can start search using the X button by default. You can change this keybinding in Tweaks
  • When a search is active, the results will be shown under GamesSearch, you can remove the search again by choosing "Clear search".
  • "Missing caches" lists all systems which haven't been cached yet, and thereby haven't been included in the search.
    • Reason: All game caches are cleared everytime you "Refresh all roms".
    • Solution: Go into each system you want included in the search.


  • Filter is accessible via the GLO Menu When in a game list, press Y
    • Filter: Will prompt you to enter a keyword for filtering the selected game list.
    • in your filtered game list you will find 3 new options :
      • ~Clear filter: Will remove the current filter to display your full game list again.
      • ~Filter: "keyword": run filter app again to quickly modify your keywork.
      • ~Refresh roms: Will refresh roms only for the current filtered game list.
  • Note: If you're using a miyoogamelist.xml you will need to add an entry for ~Filter.miyoocmd and ~Refresh roms.miyoocmd.