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Version: 4.2


Stay on top of your games!


The GameSwitcher is designed to be the central user interface of Onion. It allows to scroll between the save states of the last game played in a fast and efficient way.

Game Switcher, detailed view with current game playtime / total playtime

Game Switcher, fullscreen mode after pressing Y

It also allows you to quickly change games and many other features:

  • Quick boot your last played game.
  • Quickly switch games from your history.
  • Full overlay with accurate brightness, battery readings and playtimes.
  • Display playtime (current game playtime / Total games playtime).
  • Minimal view mode: beautiful full screen mode
  • Improved Sleep Mode with full game suspension (press POWER).
  • Low battery indicator: Red frame when <15% (can be adjusted in Tweaks).
  • When the battery goes below 4%, the device will automatically save and exit to prevent losing progress.


Launch the GameSwitcher by pressing the MENU button. The last game played will be resumed in a few seconds, and with the simple press of a button, save your progress and turn off the console.

Netplay usage demo


Left/RightNavigate between last played games
Up/DownSet brightness
A or MenuResume selected game
XRemove from Game Switcher
(it will keep the save state)
YToggle fullscreen
Selecttoggle playtime display



In game you can double click on menu button to quickly switch to the previous game played.

standalone emulators are not compatible

Game Switcher builds on Retroarch's Save State functionality so it's not compatible with standalone emulators.