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Version: 4.1

Ports Collection


The Ports Collection in Onion V4.1 has been completely redone and now includes 61 game ports!
All the necessary files (except licensed game files) are now hosted in its own repository.

Go to Ports Collection ➜

Click the image to view it in full size

  • 24 free game ports are offered as complete packs
  • 37 game ports are available through the collection of game engines, and you are only required to supply the licensed data files from the original game
  • Box arts are also included
  • Pre-configured config files are included - which gives you the best settings and uniform key mapping for FPS games (credit: axcelon)
Click to see FPS key mapping (By axcelon)
Generic Layout:
L1 R1
Strafe left Strafe right
L2 R2
Previous weapon Next weapon

↑ X
Move forward Interact

← → Y A
Turn left Turn right Shoot Jump/Strafe/etc.

↓ B
Move backward Run

Select Start
Map/other Pause

Quick switcher


Quake Layout:
L1 R1
Strafe left Strafe right
L2 R2
Look up Look down

↑ X
Move forward Freelook

← → Y A
Turn left Turn right Shoot Change weapon

↓ B
Move backward Jump

Select Start
Walk toggle Pause

Quick switcher


Duke3D Layout:
L1 R1
Strafe left Strafe right
L2 R2
Last weapon used Quick kick

Use inventory

↑ X
Move forward Interact
Inventory right Aim up
← → Y A
Turn left Turn right Shoot Crouch
Prev. weapon Next weapon Center view
↓ B
Move backward Jump
Inventory left Aim down

Select Start
Modifier (ALT) Quickturn


Installing a port

The ports repository contains individual 7z files for each port, as well as one 7z file containing all ports.

To install these you just have to extract the contents of the archive to the root of your SD card (merging the folders).

  • Licensed game files are not included for the game engines, you will need to supply the necessary game files yourself. These are detailed (along with any necessary subfolder structure) in the _required_files.txt file, within each Roms/PORTS/Games/[Game folder]/ .
  • For freely available (unlicensed) ports, all files required to run the game are included (these will not have a _required_files.txt file).

Ensure you have enabled Ports Collection in AppsPackage ManagerVerified.
Also see this helpful video tutorial by Retro Breeze

Common file structure

  • 📁Roms/PORTS/
    • 📁Games/
      • 📁[Game folder]/
        • 📄_required_files.txt
        • 🎁[Port files] (required)
        • ...
        • [Add files specified in _required_files.txt here] (required)
    • 📁Imgs/
      • 🖼️[Game name].png (optional)
    • 📁Manuals/
      • 📖[Game name].pdf (optional)
    • 📁Shortcuts/
      • 📁[Category]/
        • 📄[Game name].notfound (required)

Migrating ports from Onion versions prior to 4.1.0

  1. Rename your existing "Roms/PORTS" folder into something like Roms/PORTS_OLD
  2. Update Onion to version 4.1.0 or later (the latest release is recommended) (see upgrade guide).
  3. Enable "Ports Collection" in AppsPackage ManagerVerified.
  4. Download the "the full Ports-Collection" from the official repository (first link in the description).
  5. Extract the archive to the root of your SD card.
  6. Manually populate each Roms/PORTS/Games/[Game folder]/ with your old assets, as detailed in the _required_files.txt file for each.
  7. We have pre-configured many things, so during your copy paste of your assets, do not overwrite the existing files.
  8. Run the ~import ports script from the ports games list : it will refresh the list of ports which are present.

Also see this helpful video tutorial by Retro Breeze
Once you have verified all of your Ports are launching correctly, you may remove your old, renamed Ports folder from step 1

How to add your own ports (for advanced users)

Ports are now launched with the script included in their own shortcut. These shortcut scripts are standardized in 3 different kind :

Please always use one of these 3 scripts as a template to add your own port.

Descriptions of the scripts settings :

  • GameName : the name that will displayed in the Onion Time Tracker app
  • GameDir : the name of the directory which contains your game assets Roms/PORTS/Games/[Game folder]/
  • GameExecutable : the filename of the binary that will be launched from the GameDir directory
  • GameDataFile : the file in the GameDir directory which will be used to detect the presence of the game when running ~Import ports script from the rom list. If it is not specified then GameExecutable will be used for port detection.
  • KillAudioserver set it to 1 if your port requires to kill audioserver (it will be restored automatically when you close your port after)
  • PerformanceMode set it to 1 if you use a demanding port
  • Arguments : use this field to parameter additional args to the launch command line. (See Duke Nukem as example)
  • touch /tmp/disable_menu_button : use this flag only if you want to disable the monitoring of menu button pressing but Onion keymon, the you can remap the menu button in your port. (Useful in games which requires many buttons). Don't forget to insert rm -f /tmp/disable_menu_button at the end of your script.
  • running command line : Do not modify this (it is standardized)

Specific to retroarch script :

  • Core : then name of the core that will be used without, for example ecwolf for Wolfenstein
  • RomDir : similar to GameDir : it is the path where your rom is located in Roms/PORTS/Games/[Game folder]/
  • RomFile : it is the name of the rom that will be passed as a parameter to the retroarch core, will be also used to detect the presence of the game when running ~Import ports script from the rom list. (the Core will be used for detection if not specified).

Notes about the ~Import ports script :
The import script reads the content of each shortcut (.port and .notfound) files to find the field GameDataFile.
GameDataFile="CP01.MAP" for example. If the file CP01.MAP exists in the Roms/PORTS/Games/[Game folder]/ directory, then the shortcut is renamed with .port extension and will be displayed in the roms list otherwise it will be named with .notfound.