
Arcade Systems
• Consoles and PC Systems
• Handheld Systems
• Add-ons and Peripherals
• Miscellaneous
• Rom Folders - Quick Reference
This page describes the supported emulators and rom formats for each system.
Verified systems are marked with ✔
These are found in the "Verified" section of Package Manager, and will be installed in the Games tab.  |
Experimental systems are marked with ⚠
These are found in the "Expert" section of Package Manager and will be installed in the Expert tab (hidden by default). The Expert tab can be accessed by installing the Expert shortcut or by enabling it via Apps › Tweaks › User interface › Show expert mode . Note: These may require additional learning, files and configuration by the user to get working. Some may have performance or compatibility issues, please research and refer to the libretro core documentation.
Bios files
- Bios files are essential for some systems, should be named exactly as stated below and placed in the root
folder, unless otherwise indicated in a specific systems notes further below. Bios file names and extensions are case sensitive!
Rom files
- The roms on the included Miyoo Mini SD card are a mixed bag which can lead to incompatibility with some emulators. It is highly recommended to source your own roms to get the most out of the device.
- Rom folder names are case sensitive and differ in Onion vs the stock Miyoo SD card, copy your roms from system to system if coming from stock (copying the ‘Roms’ folder wholesale from the Miyoo SD card will not work).
- Subfolders can be used inside your rom folders but ONLY one level deep (i.e.
). - Subfolders cannot have an apostrophe (
) in the name and browsing subfolders is not compatible with miyoogamelist.xml (all games will appear as one flat list). - If you add new roms to a system, highlight the system in the Games tab and press SELECT ›
Refresh all roms
. - To add a game to your Favorites list, highlight the game in the game list and press SELECT ›
Add to favorites
The details provided below are for guidance and not every emulator included in Onion has been documented.
Arcade Systems

Arcade emulation is a little more complex than your typical console emulation and includes MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) along with CPS1/2/3 (Capcom Play System), SNK Neo Geo (released both as an Arcade cabinet and Home Console), FB (Final Burn) and Daphne.
While MAME supports many classic arcade games, for best compatibility and performance, it is recommended to use the CPS and Neo Geo systems (which use dedicated & customised emulators) for those particular games and MAME (or FB) for everything else.
Both MAME and FB require your romsets to be matched exactly to the emulator version so you will need to source the recommended romsets. MAME romsets are not compatible with FB cores (and vice versa) and not every game in a full romset will be playable but the majority will be.
Arcade roms in general do not play well with save states (some will work but the majority don’t), you can disable auto-loading of save states in the Retroarch menu (and save content or core overrides).
MAME and FB both rely on internal databases to translate the rom file name into the displayed game name, some games may be missing from the db. You should never rename these roms, instead you can use the miyoogamelist functionality to give your arcade roms appropriate names.
For more detailed information and tips on Arcade emulation, checkout the awesome Ultimate Miyoo Mini Arcade Guide for Onion by lordelan.
Arcade (Default) ✔
 Alternative emulators available in Expert - Emulator: lr-mame2003plus
- Required rom set version:
MAME 2003-Plus Reference: Full Non-Merged Romsets - Rom Folder:
ARCADE - Extensions:
.zip - Bios:
pgm.zip (for PGM games only like Knights of Valour and DoDonPachi) - Samples: Audio Samples for Mame2003Plus should be placed in the
/BIOS/mame2003-plus/samples folder
Notes MAME does not play well with save states this is a core issue and cannot be fixed. It is recommended to disable 'auto-loading of save states' in the Retroarch menu (and save core overrides). An onscreen message saying ‘This Game Will Not Work’ is MAME letting you know that the game is not emulated in the MAME version and you will not find a compatible/playable rom for that game. Current/modern versions of MAME are not compatible with the Miyoo Minis limited hardware specification which is why MAME 2003Plus has been chosen as the default. Check out the MAME overview video by RetroBreeze.
Arcade (Alternatives) ⚠
- Emulator: lr-fbalpha2012, lr-fbneo, lr-mame2000, lr-mame2003-extreme
- Rom Folder:
FBA2012 , FBNEO , MAME2000 , ARCADE (mame2003-extreme) - FBA2012 Required ROM Version:
"FBA Arcade Set v0.2.97.29 for FBA 2012 libretro core" (use quotes when searching, to find an exact match) - FBNEO Required ROM Version: FinalBurn Neo is compatible with FinalBurn Neo latest ROM sets.
- Extensions:
.zip .7z
Notes The FB cores are a good alternative to MAME, they may not run as many games but you may find some games are more accurate in FB. FBNEO is the latest FB core and as such it has higher hardware expectations (beyond the mini for some games). While many games will run fine in FBNEO, you may see better performance (at the cost of accuracy) in FBA2012 which performs better on lower powered devices. For best game compatibility, seek out the recommended romsets above. Alternative romsets for Final Burn cores may be largely compatible (i.e. v0.2.97.24, v0.2.97.39, v0.2.97.40, v0.2.97.44).
 - Alias: CPS-1
- Emulator: fbalpha2012_cps1_libretro
- Required ROM Version:
"FBA Arcade Set v0.2.97.29 for FBA 2012 libretro core" (use quotes when searching, to find an exact match) - Rom Folder:
CPS1 - Extensions:
.zip .7z .bin/.cue - Bios: None
For best game compatibility, seek out the recommended romset above. Alternative romsets for Final Burn cores may be largely compatible (i.e. v0.2.97.24, v0.2.97.39, v0.2.97.40, v0.2.97.44).
 - Alias: CPS-2
- Emulator: fbalpha2012_cps2_libretro
- Required ROM Version:
"FBA Arcade Set v0.2.97.29 for FBA 2012 libretro core" (use quotes when searching, to find an exact match) - Rom Folder:
CPS2 - Extensions:
.zip .7z .bin/.cue - Bios: None
For best game compatibility, seek out the recommended romset above. Alternative romsets for Final Burn cores may be largely compatible (i.e. v0.2.97.24, v0.2.97.39, v0.2.97.40, v0.2.97.44).
 - Alias: CPS-3
- Emulator: fbalpha2012_cps3_libretro
- Required ROM Version:
"FBA Arcade Set v0.2.97.29 for FBA 2012 libretro core" (use quotes when searching, to find an exact match) - Rom Folder:
CPS3 - Extensions:
.zip .7z .bin/.cue - Bios: None
For best game compatibility, seek out the recommended romset above. Alternative romsets for Final Burn cores may be largely compatible (i.e. v0.2.97.24, v0.2.97.39, v0.2.97.40, v0.2.97.44).
Daphne ⚠
Consoles and PC Systems

Amstrad CPC ✔
 - Emulator: lr-crocods
- Rom Folder:
CPC - Extensions:
.sna .dsk .kcr - Bios: None
Atari 800 ⚠
- Emulator: lr-atari800
- Rom Folder:
EIGHTHUNDRED - Extensions:
.atr .zip .7z - Bios:
Atari 2600 ✔
 - Alias: Atari Video Computer System (Atari VCS)
- Emulator: lr-stella2014
- Rom Folder:
ATARI - Extensions:
.a26 .bin .zip .7z - Bios: None
Atari 5200 ✔
 - Alias: Atari 5200 SuperSystem
- Emulator: lr-atari800
- Rom Folder:
.a52 .zip .7z .bin - Bios:
5200.rom and ATARIBAS.ROM
Atari 7800 ✔
 - Alias: Atari 7800 ProSystem
- Emulator: lr-prosystem
- Rom Folder:
.a78 .zip - Bios:
7800 BIOS (U).rom Notes
Roms must contain headers or they will not function. For an explanation of headers and why they are important, see this comment
Atari Jaguar ⚠
 - Emulator: Virtual Jaguar
- Rom Folder:
JAGUAR - Extensions:
.j64 .jag .rom .abs .cof .bin .prg (must be lowercase) - Bios:
virtualjaguar_bios Note: Slow to emulate
Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon ⚠
- Emulator: hatari
- Rom Folder:
ATARIST - Extensions:
.st .msa .zip .stx .dim .ipf (must be lowercase) - Bios:
tos.img The plain ST mode only works with TOS 1.00, 1.02, 1.04, or 2.06. STE mode requires any of the TOS versions 1.xx or 2.xx. TOS 3.0x is for TT, and TOS 4.0x is for Falcon.
For more information please review the official core documentation
Coleco - ColecoVision ✔
 - Alias: CBS ColecoVision
- Emulator: lr-bluemsx
- Rom Folder:
COLECO - Extensions:
.rom .ri .mx1 .mx2 .col .dsk .cas .sg .sc .m3u .zip .7z - Bios:
coleco.rom (Verified working MD5: 2C66F5911E5B42B8EBE113403548EEE7 )
Notes The blueMSX core requires the Databases and Machines folders from a full installation of blueMSX (more info here) to be placed inside the BIOS folder. Check out the ColecoVision overview video by RetroBreeze.
Commodore 64/VIC-20/PET ✔
- Emulator: lr-vice_x64
- Rom Folder:
COMMODORE - Extensons:
.d64 .zip .7z .t64 .crt .prg .nib .tap - Bios: None
Commodore - Amiga & Amiga CD32 ✔
 - Alias: Amiga CD32
- Emulator: lr-puae, lr-uae4arm
- Rom Folder:
AMIGA - Extensions:
.adf .hdf .lha .zip (For CD32: .bin/.cue .iso ) - Bios:
kick33180.A500 , kick34005.A500 , kick34005.CDTV , kick37175.A500 , kick37350.A600 , kick39106.A1200 , kick39106.A4000 , kick40060.CD32 , kick40060.CD32.ext , kick40063.A600 , kick40068.A1200 , and kick40068.A4000 Notes
For maximum compatibility add ALL above ‘kickstart roms’ to the /BIOS folder and ensure they are named exactly as detailed (lowercase).
See this link for more information. - SELECT toggles the onscreen keyboard, L & R are mapped to the mouse buttons.
- This emulator will play Amiga CD32 games though some perform better than others.
- Setting CPU speed to -700 (negative 700) in the Retroarch menu may improve A1200/CD32 performance.
- Other Core Settings that might be useful for some games are frameskip set to 1, or setting off the blitter wait in Video options.
- Some games will have stuttering audio or behave very slowly regardless of the CPU speed, frameskip etc. Many of these games will work fine if you find another format for them. .hdf (hard disk files) are the most problematic. .adf or .lha games usually work better although you might have to open RA options to switch or add floppy disks when required. If you find a game that won't run correctly no matter the options you set for it, simply try to find another version in another format.
Commodore - Amiga CD32 (uae4arm) ⚠
- Emulator: lr-uae4arm
- Rom Folder:
AMIGACD - Extensions:
.bin/.cue .ccd .lha .nrg .mds .iso .m3u .chd - Bios:
kick33180.A500 and kick34005.A500 and kick40068.A1200 See this link for more details.
Fairchild Channel F ✔
 - Alias: Fairchild Video Entertainment System
- Emulator: lr-freechaf
- Rom Folder:
FAIRCHILD - Extensions:
.bin .rom .chf .zip - Bios:
sl31253.bin and sl31254.bin and sl90025.bin
General Consumer Electronics - Vectrex ✔
 - Emulator: lr-vecx
- Rom Folder:
VECTREX - Extensions:
.vec .zip .7z - Bios: None
Magnavox Odyssey 2 ✔
 - Alias: Philips Odyssey 2, Philips Videopac G7000, Philips Odyssey, Odyssey2
- Emulator: lr-o2em
- Rom Folder:
ODYSSEY - Extensions:
.bin .zip .7z - Bios:
Mattel - Intellivision ✔
 - Emulator: lr-freeintv
- Rom Folder:
.bin .int .zip .7z - Bios:
exec.bin , grom.bin
Microsoft - MS-DOS ✔
 - Alias: Microsoft DOS
- Emulator: lr-dosbox_pure
- Rom Folder:
DOS - Extensions:
.zip .dosz .exe .com .bat .iso .bin/.cue .ins .img .ima .vhd .jrc .tc .m3u .m3u8 .conf - Bios: None
NEC - PC Engine SuperGrafx ✔
 - Alias: SuperGrafx
- Emulator: lr-mednafen-supergrafx
- Rom Folder:
SGFX - Extensions:
.pce .sgx .bin/.cue .ccd .chd .zip .7z - Bios:
NEC - PC-8000 & PC-8800 series ⚠
- Emulator: quasi88
- Rom Folder:
.d88 .fdi .hdi .zip - Bios: None
NEC - PC-98 ⚠
- Emulator: lr-nekop2
- Rom Folder:
.d98 .fdi .hdi .zip (see link below for complete list of supported extensions) - Bios: See the following link for details regarding the required bios files (and core configuration). https://docs.libretro.com/library/neko_project_ii_kai/#bios
- IMPORTANT: Contrary to the link, the Bios files must be placed in
BIOS/np2 NOT in BIOS/np2kai
- Emulator: lr-mednafen-pcfx
- Rom Folder:
PCFX - Extensions:
.chd .zip .bin/.cue .ccd .toc - Bios:
NEC - TurboGrafx-16 ✔
 - Alias: PC Engine
- Emulator: lr-mednafen-pce-fast
- Rom Folder:
PCE - Extensions:
.pce .chd .zip .7z .ccd .iso .img .bin/.cue - Bios: None
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) ✔
 - Alias: Famicom
- Emulator: lr-fceumm, lr-nestopia, lr-quicknes
- Rom Folder:
FC - Extensions:
.nes .zip .7z - Bios: None
Roms must contain headers or they will not function. For an explanation of headers and why they are important, see this comment
Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) ✔
 - Alias: Super Nintendo, Super Famicom (SFC)
- Emulator: lr-mednafen-supafaust, snes9x_libretro.so, lr-snes9x2005PLUS lr-snes9x2010, lr-snes9x2002, lr-snes9x2005, lr-snes9x2010
- Rom Folder:
SFC - Extensions:
.sfc .smc .zip .7z - Bios: None
Nintendo - Virtual Boy ✔
 - Emulator: lr-mednafen-vb
- Rom Folder:
VB - Extensions:
.vb .vboy .zip .7z - Bios: None
Panasonic - 3DO Interactive Multiplayer ⚠
- Alias: 3DO System, 3DO
- Emulator: lr-opera
- Rom Folder:
PANASONIC - Extensions:
.iso .chd .bin/.cue - Bios:
panafz1.bin or panafz10.bin or panafz10-norsa.bin or panafz10e-anvil.bin or panafz10e-anvil-norsa.bin or panafz1j.bin or panafz1j-norsa.bin or goldstar.bin or sanyotry.bin or 3do_arcade_saot.bin See this link for more details.Notes
This will never run full speed!
Philips Videopac+ G7400 ✔
 - Emulator: lr-o2em
- Rom Folder:
VIDEOPAC - Extensions:
.bin .zip .7z - Bios:
o2rom.bin , g7400.bin (maybe, c52.bin and jopac.bin )
Games made for 7000 and 7200 machines require bios files.
Sega Genesis ✔
 - Alias: Mega Drive
- Emulator: lr-picodrive, lr-genesis_plus_gx
- Rom Folder:
MD - Extensions:
.68k .mdx .md .sgd .smd .gen .bin .zip .7z - Bios:
bios_MD.bin (optional)
Sega - Master System ✔
 - Emulator: lr-picodrive, lr-genesis_plus_gx, lr-gearsystem
- Rom Folder:
MS - Extensions:
.7z .bin .sms .zip (must be lowercase) - Bios:
bios_E.sms (optional), bios_U.sms (optional), bios_J.sms (optional)
Sega - SG 1000 ✔
 - Emulator: Gearsystem
- Rom Folder:
SEGASGONE - Extensions:
.sms .gg .sg .mv .bin .rom (must be lowercase) - Bios: None
Sharp X1 ⚠
- Emulator: lr-x1
- Rom Folder:
XONE - Extensions:
.dx1 .zip .2d .2hd .tfd .d88 .88d .hdm .xdf .dup .cmd - Bios:
IPLROM.X1 , IPLROM.X1T (need to be placed in a folder named xmil within the BIOS folder)
Sharp X68000 ⚠
- Emulator: lr-px68k
- Rom Folder:
X68000 - Extensions:
.dim .m3u - Bios:
iplrom.dat , cgrom.dat , iplrom30.dat (optional), iplromco.dat (optional), iplromxv.dat (optional) (need to be placed in a folder named keropi within the BIOS folder)
Sinclair - ZX Spectrum ✔
 - Emulator: lr-fuse
- Rom Folder:
ZXS - Extensions:
.sna .szx .z80 .tap .tzx .gz .udi .mgt .img .trd .scl .dsk - Bios: None
Sinclair - ZX-81 ⚠
- Emulator: lr-81
- Rom Folder:
ZXEIGHTYONE - Extensions:
.p .tzx .zip - Bios: None
Notes I was only able to successfully load .p based roms. I suggest using .p roms and .zip files with .p roms in them based on my testing. Many games can be started by pressing SELECT to bring up the virtual keyboard, press R then RETURN. Otherwise, you'll need to search online on how to load these games if you're not familiar with this system.
SNK - Neo Geo ✔
 - Emulator: lr_fbalpha2012_neogeo
- Required ROM Version:
"FBA Arcade Set v0.2.97.29 for FBA 2012 libretro" (search with quotes for exact match) - Alternative ROM Pack:
"Neo-Geo Rom Collection By Ghostware" (search with quotes for exact match) - Rom Folder:
NEOGEO - Extensions:
.zip (must be lowercase) - Bios:
Notes - UniBIOS can be used but v4.0 can lead to missing or corrupted audio when used with save states. Earlier UniBIOS version are OK.
- Because Neo Geo roms can come in different formats (split or non-merged), it's recommended to keep the 'neogeo.zip' bios in both the
/BIOS folder and the /Roms/NEOGEO folder to ensure best compatibility. - For best game compatibility, seek out the recommended romset above. Alternative romsets for Final Burn cores may be largely compatible (i.e. v0.2.97.24, v0.2.97.39, v0.2.97.40, v0.2.97.44).
Check out the NeoGeo overview video by RetroBreeze.
SNK - Neo Geo CD ✔
 - Emulator: lr-neocd
- Rom Folder:
NEOCD - Extensions:
.bin/.cue .chd .m3u - Bios: (
000-lo.lo or ng-lo.rom ) and (neocd_f.rom or neocd.bin or uni-bioscd.rom ) placed in a folder named neocd within the bios folder
UniBIOS can be used but v4.0 can lead to missing or corrupted audio when used with save states. Earlier UniBIOS version are OK.
Because Neo Geo roms can come in different formats (split or non-merged), it's recommended to keep the 'neogeo.zip' bios in both the /BIOS folder and the /Roms/NEOGEO folder to ensure best compatibility.
Sony - PlayStation ✔
 - Alias: PS, PS1, PSX
- Emulator: lr-pcsx-rearmed
- Rom Folder:
PS - Extensions:
.chd .pbp .bin/.cue .img .mdf .toc .cbn .m3u .ccd (must be lowercase) - Bios:
PSXONPSP660.bin , scph101.bin , scph7001.bin , scph5501.bin , scph1001.bin - Recommended Romset:
"files for CHD-PSX-USA"
Roms in .bin format must have accompanying .cue files or they will not be displayed.
Onion can generate .cue files automatically (Apps > Tweaks > Tools > Generate Cue Files for PSX Games ).
Alternatively, you can create .cue files using a free online tool such as cue-maker.
All Bios files are 512kb in size and are case sensitive, they must be named exactly as shown above.
Using the PSXONPSP660.bin bios is recommended for best compatibility.
If you experience issues loading games, you can use md5 checker to verify your bios files against the md5sum provided in the official core documentation.
Rewind and Fast Forward capability should be disabled while playing PSX as performance may suffer greatly.
PAL/EUR games run at 50fps, NTSC/USA/JP games run at 60fps. This is by design and as per original hardware.
Some titles (e.g. Looney Tunes Sheep Rider, Jedi Power Battles, and 2xtreme/espn extreme games) need to have SMC Checks disabled or games will eventually slow down and crash. Go to RetroArch Quick Menu (MENU+SELECT while in-game), select Options and toggle on (Speed Hack) Disable SMC Checks . Check out the PlayStation overview video by RetroBreeze.
Uzebox ⚠
- Emulator: lr-uzem
- Rom Folder:
UZEBOX - Extensions:
.uze - Bios: None
Handheld Systems

Atari Lynx ✔
 - Emulator: lr-handy, lr-mednafen_lynx
- Rom Folder:
LYNX - Extensions:
.lnx .zip - Bios:
lynxboot.img Notes
Roms must contain headers or they will not function. For an explanation of headers and why they are important, see this comment
Bandai - WonderSwan / Color ✔
 - Emulator: lr-mednafen-wswan
- Rom Folder:
WS - Extensions:
.ws .pc2 .zip .7z - Bios: None
Nintendo - Game & Watch ✔
 - Emulator: lr-gw
- Rom Folder:
GW - Extensions:
.mgw .zip .7z - Bios: None
Nintendo - Game Boy ✔
 - Emulator: lr-gambatte, lr-gearboy, lr-tgbdual
- Rom Folder:
GB - Extensions:
.gb .gbc .dmg .zip .7z - Bios:
gb_bios.bin (optional)
Nintendo - Game Boy Advance ✔
 - Emulator: lr-gpsp, lr-mgba, lr-meteor, lr-mednafen-gba, lr-vba_next
- Rom Folder:
GBA - Extensions:
.bin .gba .zip .7z - Bios:
gba_bios.bin (required for lr-gpsp, optional for other cores), gb_bios.bin (optional), gbc_bios.bin (optional), sgb_bios.bin (optional)
Nintendo - Game Boy Color ✔
 - Emulator: lr-gambatte, lr-gearboy, lr-tgbdual
- Rom Folder:
GBC - Extensions:
.gb .gbc .dmg .zip .7z - Bios:
gbc_bios.bin (optional)
Nintendo - Pokemon Mini ✔
 - Emulator: lr-pokemini
- Rom Folder:
POKE - Extensions:
.min .zip - Bios:
bios.min (optional)
Sega - Game Gear ✔
 - Emulator: lr-picodrive, lr-genesis_plus_gx, lr-gearsystem
- Rom Folder:
GG - Extensions:
.bin .gg .zip .7z - Bios:
bios.gg (optional)
SNK - Neo Geo Pocket / Color ✔
 - Emulator: lr-mednafen-ngp
- Rom Folder:
NGP - Extensions:
.ngp .ngc .zip .7z - Bios: None
Welback Holdings - Mega Duck WG-108 ✔
 - Alias: Cougar Boy
- Emulator: lr-sameduck
- Rom Folder:
MEGADUCK - Extensions:
.bin .zip .7z - Bios: None
Watara Supervision ✔
 - Alias: QuickShot Supervision
- Emulator: lr-potator
- Rom Folder:
SUPERVISION - Extensions:
.sv .bin .zip .7z - Bios: None
Add-ons and Peripherals

Bandai - SuFami Turbo ✔
 - Emulator: lr-snes9x
- Rom Folder:
SUFAMI - Extensions:
.smc .zip .7z - Bios:
For multi-cart Sufami Turbo games, you must first run each game individually to create sram files for them. Then the multi-link will function correctly. See Libretro’s documentation for more info.
Dreamcast - VMU ⚠
- Alias: Visual Memory Unit, Visual Memory System (VMS)
- Emulator: lr-vemulator
- Rom Folder:
VMU - Extensions:
.vms .bin - Bios: None
Notes (Credit: dwmccoy)
A pixelated screen displays on launch. Open Retroarch (MENU+SELECT) and choose Close Content . Now select History and load the game file you just closed. Choose Run. The game should now display correctly but plays too fast. To fix this go back into Retroarch and set Automatic Frame Delay to ON in the Latency Menu.
NEC - TurboGrafx CD ✔
 - Alias: PC Engine CD
- Emulator: lr-mednafen-pce-fast
- Rom Folder:
PCECD - Extensions:
.pce .chd .ccd .iso .img .bin/.cue - Bios:
This core does not support compressed files (.zip or .7z ), if you find your games are stuck
at a JUST A MOMENT... loading screen, ensure that you roms (and bios files) are not zipped.
For more information relating to this core please review the official core documentation.
Nintendo - Family Computer Disk System ✔
 - Alias: Famicom Disk System
- Emulator: lr-fceumm
- Rom Folder:
FDS - Extensions:
.nes .unif .unf .fds .zip .7z - Bios:
disksys.rom Notes
Roms must contain headers or they will not function. For an explanation of headers and why they are important, see this comment
Nintendo - Satellaview ✔
 - Emulator: lr-snes9x
- Rom Folder:
SATELLAVIEW - Extensions:
.bs .sfc .smc .zip .7z - Bios:
Nintendo - Super Game Boy ✔
 - Emulator: lr-mgba
- Rom Folder:
SGB - Extensions:
.gb .gbc .dmg .zip .7z - Bios:
Sega - 32X ✔
 - Alias: Super 32X, Genesis 32X, Mega 32X, Mega Drive 32X
- Emulator: lr-picodrive
- Rom Folder:
THIRTYTWOX - Extensions:
.32x .7z .bin .md .smd .zip - Bios: None
Sega CD ✔
 - Alias: Mega-CD
- Emulator: lr-picodrive, lr-genesis_plus_gx
- Rom Folder:
SEGACD - Extensions:
.chd .bin/.cue .iso - Bios:
bios_CD_U.bin , bios_CD_E.bin , bios_CD_J.bin
You can find a video tutorial by RetroBreeze here
Review the official core documentation for more information about this emulator.

ASCII Corporation / Microsoft - MSX ✔
 - Alias: MSX2
- Emulator: lr-bluemsx, lr-fmsx
- Rom Folder:
MSX - Extensions:
.cas .dsk .mx1 .mx2 .rom .zip .7z
The blueMSX core requires the Databases and Machines folders from a full installation of blueMSX (more info here) to be placed inside the BIOS folder.
EasyRPG ⚠
- Emulator: lr-easyrpg
- Rom Folder:
EASYRPG - Extensions:
.easyrpg - Bios: None
Games must have a RPG_RT.ini and RPG_RT.ldb inside their respective folders.
OpenBOR ⚠
- Emulator: OpenBOR Standalone
- Rom Folder:
OPENBOR - Extensions:
.pak - Bios: None
Larger game paks (i.e. Marvel Infinity) may take 2-3 minutes to load, and up to a minute to close, be patient.
Save states are not currently supported but in game saving and loading works well.
Pico-8 ✔
ScummVM ✔
 - Emulator: lr-scummvm
- Rom Folder:
SCUMMVM - Extensions:
For each ScummVM game folder you need to create a scummvm file with the same name (just add the .scummvm extension), and place it in the root of the rom folder (Roms/SCUMMVM ). The file must contain the game's "short name" which can be found here: https://www.scummvm.org/compatibility/2.7.0/. (This requires Onion V4 and an updated ScummVM package - done via Package Manager). Example
Game folder: Roms/SCUMMVM/The Secret of Monkey Island/
ScummVM file: Roms/SCUMMVM/The Secret of Monkey Island.scummvm , contents: scumm:monkey Audio Troubleshooting
We recommend sourcing original .sou audio files for Full Throttle , The Dig and The Curse of Monkey Island to avoid audio issues (such as missing speech or dropping out).
SquirrelJME ⚠
- Emulator: squirreljme_libretro
- Note: This core is still under development and not yet capable of running games. You can follow the developer on reddit
TIC-80 ✔
 - Emulator: lr-tic80
- Rom Folder:
TIC - Extensions:
.tic - Bios: None
Rom Folders - Quick Reference

For convenience, a list of Rom folder names for all fully supported cores is detailed below.
- If they do not already exist on your SD card, Onion will create rom directories as required during first install.
- All names are case sensitive and may differ from the names on the stock Miyoo SD card.
- This list does not include expert emulators.
System | Rom Folder (Case Sensitive) |
Amiga | AMIGA |
Amstrad CPC | CPC |
Arcade (Mame 2003+) | ARCADE |
Atari 2600 | ATARI |
Atari Lynx | LYNX |
Bandai Sufami Turbo | SUFAMI |
Bandai WonderSwan & Color | WS |
Capcom Play System 1 | CPS1 |
Capcom Play System 2 | CPS2 |
Capcom Play System 3 | CPS3 |
ColecoVision | COLECO |
Fairchild Channel F | FAIRCHILD |
Famicom Disk System | FDS |
Game & Watch | GW |
GCE Vectrex | VECTREX |
Magnavox Odyssey 2 | ODYSSEY |
Mattel Intellivision | INTELLIVISION |
Mega Duck | MEGADUCK |
MSX - MSX2 | MSX |
NEC SuperGrafx | SGFX |
NEC TurboGrafx CD | PCECD |
NEC TurboGrafx-16 | PCE |
Nintendo Entertainment System | FC |
Nintendo Game Boy | GB |
Nintendo Game Boy Advance | GBA |
Nintendo Game Boy Color | GBC |
Nintendo Pokemini | POKE |
Nintendo Satellaview | SATELLAVIEW |
Nintendo Super Game Boy | SGB |
Nintendo Super Nintendo | SFC |
Nintendo Virtual Boy | VB |
Ports collection | PORTS |
Sega CD | SEGACD |
Sega Game Gear | GG |
Sega Genesis | MD |
Sega Master System | MS |
Sega SG-1000 | SEGASGONE |
Sinclair ZX Spectrum | ZXS |
SNK NeoGeo Pocket & Color | NGP |
Sony Playstation | PS |
TIC-80 | TIC |
VideoPac | VIDEOPAC |
Watara Supervision | SUPERVISION |