Ports Collection
Onion 3.11 introduced a new Ports Collection feature.
The Ports Collection allows you to have all your favourite ports located in one Ports
system folder within the Games tab.
Several ports are already configured for use with this feature (you will need to add your game files) and more will be added in future releases.
Included Ports so far are: Cave Story, Doom, Doom 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Ganbare natsuki san, vvvvvv
See below regarding where to place your game files. Also be sure to check out the ports overview video by RetroBreeze, demonstrating how to set up Doom, Doom 2 and Duke Nukem with the collection feature.
With the release of 3.12 beta (4th-5th July), several ports have now been moved to the Ports Collection and the information below may be out of date. This page will be regularly updated. For now, please refer to the excellent 'Ports Helper' by r0b0-tr0n on reddit.
Cannonball (Outrun Port) ⚠

- Emulator: lr-cannonball
- Rom Folder: CANNONBALL
- Instructions: Add the OutRun Revision B ROMs into
gamedata folder.
Thanks to djyt for creating the engine for this OutRun arcade game and thanks to Libretro for adding this as a retroarch core.
Doom1 ✔
- Copy the
file in/Roms/PORTS/Binaries/Doom.port/FILE_HERE
rename your.wad
file in necessary, caps are important.
Doom2 ✔
- Copy the
file in/Roms/PORTS/Binaries/Doom2.port/FILE_HERE
Duke Nukem 3d (Port: Stupid Horoscope) ✔
- Copy the
file in/Roms/PORTS/Binaries/Duke nukem 3D.port/FILE_HERE
VVVVVV (Port: Eggs) ✔

- Copy the
zip in/Roms/PORTS/Binaries/vvvvvv.port/
- Find the file here: https://thelettervsixtim.es/makeandplay/
Wolfenstein ✔
- Emulator: lr-ecwolf
- Rom Folder:
- Extensions: See notes
- Bios: None
Copy your Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny, or Super Noah's Ark 3D DOS folder into the wolf rom folder. If while using the Retroarch ecwolf core you find you can't start Wolfenstein, make sure there's only one
in the Wolfenstein dos subfolder. Files like catalog.exe should be deleted from this subfolder.